Google AdSense program is one of the best online advertising
programs that are in use today. AdSense program is beneficial to
all the involved parties i.e. the advertisers, the website owners
and the website visitors.
The popularity of AdSense program seems to be the most among
the second group i.e. website owners.
A number of website owners today use AdSense Ads on their
websites in order to earn good revenue on a regular basis.
They use a number of tricks and tips in order to maximize their
Besides the regular tips, there are some other AdSense tips which
a number of people miss out on unless they are very careful:
1. Use multiple ad units: Google allows you to use up to 3 ad
units and one link unit per web page. Since your revenue
earnings are dependent on ad clicks and ad impressions, a higher
number of ad units can potentially increase your AdSense
earnings. However, do not go with the maximum allowed ad units if
you don't have enough content on your web page; this might
offend the website visitors.
2. Use wider Ad format: Though Ad formats yield different results
for different websites, the wider Ad formats (like
rectangles) are generally known to be more effective than their
narrower counterparts (there is a scientific explanation for
this, but we can leave that out since we are more concerned with
the results).
3. Limit the filters: Filters are useful for blocking the Ads
that you don't want displayed on your website e.g. Ads of
competitors. However, too many filters can seriously limit your
revenue earning potential from AdSense Ads. So, limit the use
of filters to minimum.
Sidenote: Did you know you can run Adsense-like ads that
redirect to Clickbank affiliate products? You can see an example
of the ads, and also sign up for free at Cbglobe:
by Stelios Eleftheriou
AdSense Tips That You Might Have Missed Out On
| Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Most Popular Articles by Yaro Starak
| Thursday, March 5, 2009
How To Remain Productive When You Feel Like Giving Up's a bit sad that the popularity of the article demonstrated just how many people are struggling with feelings of self doubt...Like most people, some mornings I wake up and feel less than enthusiastic about working. Sometimes, this feeling doesn’t stem from laziness or apathy, it’s a stronger power, a sense of futility and helplessness.
I know a lot of people look to my story of success as a source of inspiration and that is one of the greatest benefits I enjoy as a blogger, but - and I’m not afraid to admit it - I don’t always feel energized to pursue business and sometimes in my darkest moments, I even consider throwing in the towel.
This feeling is not so common for me now as I have lifestyle flexibility, a more stable income and a better mindset about work, but earlier on, it definitely was a problem. I want to explain how I overcome these moments (and still do the same thing now on occasion) to stay on track and how you can even have a productive day when you are not really feeling the mojo on the inside.
I expect you have felt similar feelings of despair or a lack of motivation at different stages of your business development, especially if you are yet to establish an income stream online that is sufficient for you to live off, or if you are right at the beginning and you have not seen one cent of return for the work you have put in.
Inspired or Dejected
Depending on your world view and personality style, when you hear of the success of others you may either feel inspired or dejected, and while it’s obviously more fruitful to look at other people achieving what you desire as motivation, as a fallible human, jealousy, depression and anger may be your initial responses.
Your mind is your greatest asset for success in business, but it can be just as strong a force of hindrance, sabotaging your efforts, destroying your work ethic and leaving you with no option but to return to the soul destroying job you promised yourself that you would never go back to.
How To Work When You Don’t Feel Like It
One of the characteristics I believe is at the heart of my success and the success of most entrepreneurs, is an ability to keep working in the face of failure and an ability to force yourself to be productive when you don’t feel like it.
I remember many a time promoting my proofreading business BetterEdit, walking around university campuses placing posters on boards, experiencing a feeling of impatience, a lack of confidence and a constant inner-questioning of whether what I was doing was a waste of timeor not.
It’s very hard to be confident of success when you have yet to seriously experience it. In many ways, at this stage of your business career, faith and fake-it-till-you-make-it confidence in your idea has to carry you through the self doubt, the set-backs and the slow growth.
Nothing goes right all the time. Sometimes clients will ask for refunds, or they won’t be happy with what you provide or the universe creates a circumstance you had no way of predicting, which you just have to deal with.
For you beginners out there, one of the greatest challenges you face is your battle with self doubt. Others around you will scoff at your attempt to buck the trend to start a business, your own results will come slowly and for a long time you will have to work every day for little reward. Patience and willpower are necessary at this stage.
BetterEdit offered a great lesson for me. Placing posters on university campuses proved an effective marketing method, but the return on investment was delayed. I put up a poster and it would not elicit a response for months - sometimes even years - so my “pay off” for hard work was far in the future. This meant that I had to believe that clients would come if I just kept at it for long enough.
In hindsight faith in an outcome is easy because the experience is had, before this, you’re playing with chance and believing in the possibility of success without tasting it. If you don’t have tolerance for ambiguity, you better avoid the entrepreneur’s journey.
What Can You Create Today?
One of the things I did and still do whenever I feel less than enthusiastic is to focus on output, rather than the external elements that bring me down. I might feel utterly crushed, but I know if I create something or take any productive action, I continue towards my goals.
The great thing about output is the power it has over your mood. Negative emotion breeds negative actions - lying in your bed or watching TV for example - or a lack of any action at all. If you focus on creating something and just take one little forward step, the physical effort you exert effects your inner emotional state. Your ability to soldier on in the face of emotional dissonance can carry you through the darkness and return you to a state of congruent activity and thought.
Why Do Bloggers Keep Blogging?
To all my wonderful blogging students, those working to create authority blogs and build an income stream from the words you publish online - you know what I mean when I talk about keeping the faith and fighting through self doubt.
Blogging for money is not a quick results endeavor and like you are possibly feeling from time to time currently, you question whether the work you put in will ever bring the desired outcomes.
I remember publishing content to my blog, content I thought was pretty good, but no one left a comment and my traffic wasn’t exactly skyrocketing. After posting my masterpiece I’d head out to other blogs and diligently make my presence felt by leaving quality comments.
I came across blog articles covering similar topics to my own that, in my opinion, were not as good as my articles, yet this blogger had a following of hundreds of readers and lots of comments made to every post. I wondered whether I was doing something wrong or was there something this other blogger was doing right that I wasn’t.
I can’t equivocally answer that question, but I suspect, especially now in hindsight, it was simply a case of patience and dedication to the process I was executing. I needed time to get to where I wanted to go and I needed to believe that my actions day-in and day-out would take me there.
I quickly learned with blogging that I had to enjoy every small success and focus on the commitment towards a goal, with at times blind faith. That motivation and commitment, even when I felt less than excited about my progress and very uncertain about whether my blog would ever take off, carried me onwards. The end result is three years of publishing content to this blog every single week, no matter what mood I’m in.
This is not something every person can replicate. Regardless of life situation, access to free time, resources or any external variable, simply put - most people don’t have the willpower to finish the race.
It’s Not Blind Faith
Bear in mind I’m not promoting BLIND faith, merely consistent effort based on a solid belief in an outcome.
There is a point where you need to take stock of progress and make changes or even quit altogether. Unfortunately most people take the exit door all too early and this lack of action merely reinforces the already prevalent lack of results.
It’s not rocket science, but as moody and imperfect human beings, there is a challenge to overcome oneself. This is, and always will be, your greatest challenge in life.
If you truly want to realize an outcome and taste success, then you must complete the necessary steps to get there. Not some of them and not just during your best days. This needs to be congruent and forceful effort regardless of external circumstances or internal turmoil.
Why not go take some action right now?
by Yaro Starak
Simple Internet Income (Free)
| Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Here's a proven way to generate internet
income over and over again...
Best of all, it's free and simple :-)
how to generate internet income without confusion or fluff.
I call this “Simple Internet Income” because it IS simple, it doesn’t need to be confusing or complicated.
This can make you money but however there’s the dirty 4 letter word everyone hates: WORK!
Your choice. Or you could always pay to outsource.
Remember - it’s always the principle of Time or Money!
Before I begin, there are 3 extremely crucial principles that if applied, can make you A LOT more money…
1. Sell products that CONVERT (or you’ll waste traffic)
2. Sell stuff that SOLVE DESPERATE PROBLEMS (for fast cash)
3. Take action - consistently
Lets have a look at the plan!
Step 1: Find a profitable topic
Simplest way is to look at or
Step 2: Find out what problems people have in relation to this topic
A desperate problem is best. Easy way is to go look at related forums.
Step 3: Find a suitable affiliate product that solve the problem AND convert well.
Simplest way is to go and look for the highest gravity products
in your related category. Join and get your affiliate link.
Step 4: Find at least 3 specific longtail keyphrases for the problem or product
Just use Google’s free keyword tool
For example, “how can I stop snoring”
Step 5: Write (or outsource) 3 articles
Each article should be focused on each keyphrase. 300 word article is enough. Remember the article
is NOT a sales letter, it’s a presell, a teaser
Step 6: Submit articles to article directories
Start with first.
Step 7: Create a free keyword-rich blog (blogger or wordpress) and post articles there
Do this after your articles are published on
Link each article back to your articles on
You can say something like: Article originally published on xxxxxx
Step 8: Create a squidoo len and post articles there
Do this after your blog is up.
Link each article back to your articles on
You can say something like: Article originally published on xxxxxx
Step 9: Submit articles to the rest of the article directories
Link each article back to your articles on
You can say something like: Article originally published on xxxxxx
To make this really easy and effective, I suggest getting an account at SubmitYourArticle
because the service is top-notch and it works great.
Step 10: Social bookmark everything
And of course you can always scale this up, then rinse and repeat.
"Ewen Chia"
How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated
| Monday, February 9, 2009
Google, being the undisputable leader in search engines from
then until now, is placing a high importance on the quality
and relevancy of its search engines. Most especially now that
the company is public property. In order to keep the
shareholders and users of its engines happy, the quality of
the returned results are given extreme importance.
For this same reason, doing the wrong things in the Adsense
and other forms of advertisements, whether intentionally or
unintentionally, will result in a severe penalty, may get
you banned and even have your account terminated. Nothing
like a good action taken to keep wrongdoers from doing the
same things over again.
So for those who are thinking of getting a career in
Adsense, do not just think of the strategies you will be
using to generate more earnings. Consider some things first
before you actually get involved.
Hidden texts. Filling your advertisement page with texts to
small to read, has the same color as the background and
using css for the sole purpose of loading them with rich
keywords content and copy will earn you a penalty award
that is given to those who are hiding links.
Page cloaking. There is a common practice of using browser
or bot sniffers to serve the bots of a different page other
than the page your visitors will see. Loading a page with
a bot that a human user will never see is a definite no-no.
This is tricking them to click on something that you want
but they may not want to go to.
Multiple submissions. Submitting multiple copies of your
domain and pages is another thing to stay away from. For
example, trying to submit a URL of an Adsense as two separate
URLs is the same as inviting trouble and even termination.
Likewise, this is a reason to avoid auto submitters for those
who are receiving submissions. Better check first if your domain
is submitted already an a certain search engine before you try
to submit to it again. If you see it there, then move on. No
point contemplating whether to try and submit there again.
Link farms. Be wary of who and what are you linking your
Adsense to. The search engines know that you cannot control
your links in. But you can certainly control what you link to.
Link farming has always been a rotten apple in the eyes of
search engines, especially Google. That is reason enough to
try and avoid them. Having a link higher than 100 on a single
page will classify you as a link farm so try and not to make
them higher than that.
Page rank for sale. If you have been online for quite some
time, you will notice that there are some sites selling
their PR links or trading them with other sites. If you are doing
this, expect a ban anytime in the future. It is okay to sell
ads or gain the link. But doing it on direct advertisement of your
page rank is a way to get on search engines bad side.
Doorways. This is similar to cloaking pages. The common
practice of a page loaded with choice keyword ads aimed at
redirecting visitors to another user-friendly page is a
big issue among search engines. There are many seo firms
offering this kind of services. Now that you know what they
actually are, try to avoid them at all costs.
Multiple domains having the same content. In case you are
not aware of it, search engines look at domains IPs,
registry dates and many others. Having multiple domains
having the same exact content is not something you can hide
from them. The same goes with content multiplied many times
on separate pages, sub domains and forwarding multiple domains
to the same content.
Many of the above techniques apply to most search engines
and is not entirely for Google only. By having a mind set
that you are building your Adsense together with your pages
for the human users and not for bots, you can be assured of the
great things for your ads and sites.
Not to mention avoiding the wrath of the search engines and
getting your Adsense and site account terminated altogether.
You should be prepared if that happens, with alternatives.
From : Stelios Eleftheriou
What is a Copywriter?
| Thursday, January 15, 2009
A copywriter is the person who writes the words for any advertisement you see in a newspaper or magazine.
It was a copywriter who wrote the words to your favorite radio ad or that memorable TV commercial.
Copywriters write the words on billboards and flyers. They write the words on coupons and catalogs.
Copywriters wrote the direct mail package that came through your letterbox. They wrote those fundraising requests you receive.
Copywriters are also busy working away at promoting products and services you probably have little to do with. In addition to writing promotional text for consumer products, copywriters are also behind the words on all that business-to-business advertising material. They write the ads promoting electronic parts to auto manufacturers. They write the letters that promote accounting services to Fortune 500 companies. They are paid by pharmaceutical companies to write ads and brochures aimed at physicians.
The list is endless. Wherever there is something being sold, there is a copywriter somewhere being paid to write the sales and advertising materials.
How can you make a living as a copywriter?
You can make money as a copywriter in three main ways.
First, you can find employment as a copywriter with an advertising agency. It's not easy to get this kind of job, but if it's what you want, go for it. The advantage of working for an agency is that you get to work on a variety of clients and will learn a great deal from all the other people involved.
Second, you can work within the advertising department of a company. Many companies decide to do some or all of their advertising work themselves, instead of outsourcing to an ad agency. If you look hard, you'll probably find it easier to find a job with a company ad department than with an agency.
Third, you can choose to be a freelance copywriter. This involves working from a home office and promoting your services to anyone and everyone who will give you work. As you get more successful, you'll be able to pick and choose your clients. Is this a good way to go? It depends a lot on your ambitions and temperament. Working from home and having to look for new work, month after month is not for everyone. But others positively thrive on it.
Myself, I have worked in ad agencies and as a freelance copywriter. For most of the last twenty years I have been a freelancer. It suits my character and has fitted well with my family circumstances. In addition to which, I have always made more money as a freelancer than I did as a copywriter in an ad agency.
Is copywriting a good job?
I may be biased, but I think it's a great job. The pay is good and the work is varied and usually interesting.
What's the best area to get into?
Good question, because there are dozens of difference specialties among copywriters. The honest answer to this question is to say that the best area is the area that appeals to your interests and abilities the most.
If you have a genuine interest in health and alternative health care, you're in luck.
Both mainstream medical companies and alternative health companies pay big fees to good copywriters.
If you are interested in the world of finance and investment, top copywriters in that field can charge a great deal.
Surprisingly, perhaps, another hot area for copywriters is the fundraising market.
You might think that non-profits would pay less, but they don't. They depend on great copywriting to raise the money they need, so they pay well for good work.
Also you have a wide choice of media - you can write for TV, for radio, for print or for direct mail.
Where's the money? There is money in all of those specialties. But one very hot area is direct mail. That's the area in which I have made a lot of money over the years. Direct marketing companies will always pay well for well-written letters, ads and other direct response materials.
And if you want to work from home as a freelance copywriter, you'll find it a lot easier finding direct mail work than, say, TV work.
How To Become A Good Copywriter
Copywriting is considered one of the most
essential online marketing skills that any marketer could have.
Even if you have the hungriest market you still need the power
of words in order to sell your product or service. There is
scarcely any other area of writing where the power of the pen and
the power of persuasion come together more effectively than in
advertising copy.
But the question is how do you become the best
copywriter that you can be? How can you reach beyond the
mediocre to excelling at your craft?
I would like to list below what I consider the most important elements
that go into making a good copywriter.
1. Copy great copywriters. Yes, one of the best ways you can
become a good copywriter is by copying the Master. It’s the same
principle of ‘beholding and becoming changed, and as the saying goes
“birds of a feather flock together”. The more you read someone, the
more the words filter into your mind and the more you become like them.
It's a matter of reading what you would like to write like. So the
more great copy you read, the more great copy you’ll write.
2. Learn the principles of writing well. Keep in mind that
copywriting is copy-writing. There is no way you can become a
great copywriter without learning how to write, how to use the
language, and how to engage the reader. This involves learning
the principles of grammar, how to structure a sentence, the
elements of style, flow, and cadence—in fact, all the elements
that go into good writing. Many people overlook the importance
of learning how to write well while they are learning how to write
persuasively. But in order to be persuasive, you must be able
to use the elements of style and grammar to communicate to your
3. Study marketing. In order to write persuasively
you must be able to understand the audience to whom you are
writing. Good copywriting is not only made up of persuasive
writing but it is also made up of persuading the right people.
In order to persuade people you must understand their feelings,
attitudes and values. In other words, you must be able to
scratch where it itches. This is one of the reasons why it is
very important that you specialize in one area so you can
understand your audience so well that you’re able to write to
them as though you're writing to a friend.
4. Study successful ads. Not only would you want to study
successful copywriters but you also want to study advertisements
that have been very successful in the past. As you study these
advertisements you would come to realize what works and what does
not work in a particular market. Not only would you be able to model
your own advertising from these advertisements but you also can get a
feel for what successful copywriting is all about. This principle can be
applied to any other market, where you study what works in the past in
order to influence your work in the future.
5. Get your writing critiqued by others. It doesn't
matter how good a copywriter you are, every writer has blind
spots and therefore need to have their work reviewed and
assessed by others. Especially when you’re just starting out
you may need a mentor or coach or someone who has enough
experience so that they can evaluate your copy. This is not a
place for big ego. It is the simple fact that it doesn't matter
how good a writer you are there are times when, because of being
so close to your own work, you will not be able to see the
mistakes that you have made and therefore you need another
critical eye in the equation. So it is well if you have another
person or a group of other copywriters who are more experience
than you to review your work and suggests ways in which you can
improve it.
6. Stay informed. Even doctors who have to study
for seven years and more before they can receive a license have
to stay abreast by reading journals and take refresher courses.
The same thing applies to copywriters as well. You must be
subscribed to the latest direct-marketing news and the top
newsletters. Even though the principles of marketing may be the
same there are new techniques and application that other
copywriters can privy you to. Especially online where new
techniques and technologies are being introduced.
7. Read,read, read. Even if you decide to specialize in one area you
need to read widely and generally. You can never tell when you
would need an idea that you can include in your copy. And you
also want to be aware of popular trends in media so that you can
tie these in with your copy. You can't isolate yourself to any
one area simply because you specialize in that area. If any
type of writers need a general education it is a copywriter.
You need to stay aware of what's going on in your market and
also what's going on in the world at large. Simply because you
would be able to match the information you get there with your
marketing message and often you can use this information as a
springboard to get your users attention.
8. Practice,practice, practice. Writing is a discipline. But the only way
you can get better at writing is to write continually, even when
you don't feel like writing. This doesn't mean that you have to
keep writing all day but you should write often enough so that
you develop the discipline to write even when you don't feel
like writing. You’ll find the more you write the easier it will
become. As you develop this discipline you would realize that
writing will become more rewarding. You need to find a place,
environment and a time of day that best suits you. But the more
regularly you write the easier the process would become for
Source :
- Ray L (Warrior Forum)
- Nick Usborne (Freelance Writing Success)